“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has” - Margaret Mead.
A local community cleanup took place at G Ross Park on Saturday, October 23, 2021. Over 35 people took part in this amazing community contribution and approximately 30 bags of garbage were collected from the creek and the surrounding parkland.
Devika Shah the organizer, was asked about what motivated her to put together this event, she talked about how the pandemic influenced this thought.
“I use that park (G Ross Park) quite often, just for walks, and during the pandemic, I used it quite more. I got so angry at all the garbage all over the place and every day, I would go on a walk, and I’d say this beats the purpose of a walk. I thought that this (organizing the event) might be a way to channel this anger and feel better about the situation.”
Photo credit: Devika Shah
When we think of the global pandemic that occurred, nothing besides negative thoughts comes into mind, however, there is a bright side of it that we tend to forget. During the peak of the pandemic, it gave everyone time to stop and just breathe for a while. To slow down and spend time with their family, spend time cooking and spend time noticing their daily surroundings.
Moreover, when the community comes together it makes everything worth it because it's truly heartwarming seeing people bond and come together over the environment. Seeing people come out and donate their time and presence to the community makes you believe that there are people out there who are willing to give back to their neighbourhoods and give back to nature. “This neighbourhood is not very connected. People are very segregated and isolated and a lot of different cultures don't interact. It surprised me that people who never really spoke, social with each other and bonded to create a sense of community. I initially did it for the garbage, but would do it again for additional reasons. It was a nice community event.”
Many times we underestimate the power of our youth when in reality, their power is underestimated. Teaching and introducing these concepts to kids at a young age is always for the best and necessary. Seeing kids come out was a surprise to Devika because she didn’t focus on the youth demographic and that turnout was much larger than expected.
“Because the weather was good, people walked by and engaged and it surprised me how much the kids were into it. TRCA brought these clippers to pick up the garbage and the kids, when they saw that, were very excited to use it.”
Lastly, these sorts of events don’t just happen overnight, and having a partner to help is very critical. Devika gives all of her gratitude to the Toronto Conservation Regional Authority and talks about how having someone willing to help makes everything much better. “Wouldn't have happened with TRCA and I reached out to them and they were helpful. They created the registration, helped promote it, and provided all supplies.”
At the end of the day, to have a successful day filled with all the goals accomplished, requires determination and effort. Everyone has to be willing to give it their best and that's what
communities are about. The greatness of a community all depends on the actions of its members and it's like we hear all the time, we can do so much more, together.