The Downsview lands is currently in the planning stage for a large mixed-use neighbourhood which will see proposals to develop new housing, retail, commercial, institutional and/or community uses on the site. The combined site is estimated at 520 acres which is roughly the size of Toronto's downtown core area. These developments and projects like the recently announced Netflix film studios will lead to many changes at the Downsview area and the surrounding area for years and decades to come. One community group based in the local area is seeking to raise a key question - how does the community benefit from all of these new investments and developments?
The Toronto Community Benefits Network, is a community-labour coalition with its head office located in the Downsview area. Since 2014, the Network has centred itself at the forefront of the economic justice movement in Toronto by negotiating Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs) into public and urban development construction projects across large projects in Toronto.
TCBN celebrates community benefits on the Eglinton Crosstown LRT project with new construction apprentices, unions and community groups. Photo credit: Toronto Community Benefits Network.
CBAs which have been more commonly used in the UK, USA and now Canada are legally binding, enforceable contracts that set specific benefits for the community from a new construction or development project. Community benefits usually include commitments to some combination of local and equity hiring for good jobs, training or apprenticeships, business procurement opportunities for local small, medium and social enterprises as well as neighbourhood improvements like green spaces, recreational facilities and affordable housing.
In Toronto, TCBN has successfully negotiated community benefits commitments on some of the largest construction projects in Toronto including the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, Finch West LRT, Woodbine Casino expansion and West Park Healthcare Centre.
TCBN Community Bus Tour of the Finch West LRT projects which include a commitment from Metrolinx for a Community Hub & Centre for the Arts. Photo Credit: Toronto Community Benefits Network
As part of the 520 acre master vision, there are a few public and private entities who are leading developments of individual sections at the Downsview area. Rosemarie Powell who is Executive Director at TCBN shares that “with these significant public and private investments, TCBN would like to establish an equitable planning process that ensures transparency, accountability and a framework to secure community benefits commitments. This community benefits framework must include key principles and values, a process to address community priorities and ensure an equity, diversity and inclusion lens in all stages of the planning and development of the Downsview area for years to come”.
Over the next few months, TCBN will be hosting community information and engagement sessions to learn more about community priorities and concerns with the proposed Downsview area developments. You can visit their website to learn more about the id8 Downsview project, upcoming events and and how to stay involved in the campaign by going to