On the 24th of March, the International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and the Dignity of Victims is an annual observance that raises meaningful tributes and honour to victims who face these violations. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the 24th of March as the official day for the International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and the Dignity of Victims in December 2010.
The importance of the 24th of March was in the honour of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero of El Salvador, who was assassinated on the 24th of March 1980, when denouncing violations of human rights. By commemorating a day to observe and know the truth about human rights violations, it promises to investigate and guarantee remedies and reparations by the government effectively.
To recognize and pay tribute to gross human rights violations and the dignity of victims, the United Nations encourages individuals to promote the Right to the truth and justice and to pay tribute to those who have lived and lost their lives in struggling to protect and promote human rights. It is important to commemorate and remember the complete truth of how events, circumstances, and violations of human rights have conspired.
The importance of the truth brings light to the relatives of the victims who have faced summary executions, enforced disappearance, missing persons, abducted children, torture, require the Right to know about what happened to them.
This day of observance also acts as an empowering force. It helps individuals learn and acknowledge the importance of human rights by embracing and understanding past and current circumstances and violations that occur within the world. We must commemorate and remember this day to recognize how human rights violations continue to happen and how we can advocate for change.