Hand Sewing 101 - Part 3

divider11dividerWhether it’s your favorite dress, skirt or pair of pants, curtains – you name it- the ability to hem (raiing or lowering the bottom edge of a garment or fabric) allows you to change the tyle and look of your clothes and home furnihingsTool required. Sewing needle,1. Thread your needle, thread2. Turn wrong side garment to wrong side, testing the desired length.3. Pin garment in place.4. Secure hen using running basting stitch, 1/2 inch away from raw edge.5. Sew hem in place using catch titch: tie knot at end of thread to secure stitch.6. Move rigth 1/4 inch and take a stitch in the outside.7. Repeat steps until hem is complete. To finish, make a back stitch or tie knot to secure. Remove basting thread and press lightly with an iron.By: Desmonddivider