There is currently an election in Humber River--Black Creek. Here is a list of candidates who are running in your area.
Election Day is on Monday, September 20, 2021. Don't forget to vote for the candidate of your choice! Please check out the positions from the four parties below. Learn more about where to vote and what you need to vote at
MATIAS DE DOVITIIS - New Democratic Party / Nouveau Parti démocratique
Matias De Dovitiis is a community advocate who is highly active in the Humber River–Black Creek community. Drawing on his extensive experience in politics and the non-profit sector, he is standing with Jagmeet Singh to build a pandemic recovery that benefits working Canadians – and a fairer, more equal future we can all look forward to.
Dovitiis was born in Uruguay and – as an immigrant who has made Canada his home – he knows how hard it can be to get ahead, and what a huge difference it makes when governments give working people the help they need. He has seen successive federal governments favour the ultra-rich over regular Canadians and he knows it is time for a change.
Through his non-profit work, Dovitiis has focused on helping Latinx youth and students from low-income families to make the most of educational opportunities. He was a founder of the Organization of Latin American Students and CONOSER. He has managed over 15 campaigns for progressive candidates and has held numerous positions at different levels of politics, including a seat on the Executive Committee of the Ontario NDP’s Toronto Area Council. He is currently Chief of Staff for a City of Toronto Councillor. Now, he is ready to take the fight to the federal level. As your Humber River–Black Creek MP, Dovitiis will fight to build more affordable housing, reduce the cost of prescription drugs, forgive student debt, take bold climate action that creates well-paid jobs, and make sure big corporations and billionaires pay their fair share.
JUDY SGRO - Liberal Party of Canada / Parti libéral du Canada
Since 1999, Judy Sgro has served as the Liberal MP for Humber River – Black Creek advanced an agenda that is progressive and respectful of human rights, equality, and religious freedom. Prior to federal politics, Sgro represented her community on the North York City Council (1987 to 1994) and Toronto City Council (1995 to 1998) where she focused on poverty and crime reduction. It was this attachment to people that led Sgro to Ottawa. In Parliament, Sgro developed national solutions to local problems. As Chair of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on Urban Issues, she shaped policy on social housing, the creation of the gas tax rebate, and the promotion of human rights and religious freedoms.
RINKU SHAH - Conservative Party of Canada / Parti conservateur du Canada
Rinku Shah is a female entrepreneur and CEO of School Of Flavours Ltd, she actively promotes richness of culture, tradition and heritage by connecting diverse communities together in an inclusive way to empower social and economic development of Canadians and people across the globe. Her company School Of Flavours Ltd. assists local small businesses in the food industry to grow and make a presence across Canada.
Shah has been volunteering in her community for over 8 years and has taken the onus to help her community during the pandemic by providing groceries and essential items to students, seniors, retirement homes, food banks and families in need. Shah is the Founder and Organizer of some of the most Vibrant community Festivals including the World Of Flavours & Taste Of India Festival. Recently she has been recognized by World Book of Records for her outstanding work in Canada. Rinku lives with her spouse Vrajesh Shah – the president of an NGO, Yong Canadian Alliances – and their child Jeet Shah.
UNBLIND TIBBIN - Green Party of Canada / Le Parti Vert du Canada
Unblind Tibbin is an equal rights, social justice, sustainable lifestyles and accessibility advocate in Toronto. He is fully bilingual and cares deeply about environmental sustainability, youth and bilingualism. He has volunteered in many capacities with many organizations, such as the United Nations Association in Canada where he was the chair of the youth committee.
Embodying a sustainable lifestyle, he is vegan. Tibbin grew up in Switzerland and in north Toronto and has a Masters degree in economics from York University. He went on to work as a French teacher for children, and as a Kwanzaa instructor in the joint Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention and Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s Mate Maisie program. He is also a published writer, spoken word artist, and martial arts teacher. Tibbin is currently the executive director of the Sierra Leone Union of Canada, and a youth services officer in the Ontario public service where he continues to work with the most challenging youth in Toronto.