On June 1st , 2016, Driftwood Public School hosted a celebration for their 50th Anniversary in our community. This celebration was an opportunity for people to share both past and current experiences with an institution that has helped to shape and develop the very spirit of the surrounding community.Since it’s opening in 1965, Driftwood Public School has been the source of many stories from city wide news outlets for their revolutionary educational initiatives. These stories have ranged from discussion about new innovative programs for conflict resolution to kicking off the trend for environmentally friendly programs in the 90s. Programs like these are the work of engaged and concerned teachers, aiming to be on the leading edge of education initiatives. Indeed, as recently as 2012, teacher Sheri Alcordo, was awarded the Premier’s Award for Teaching Excellence.But teachers can only do so much, part of what makes a school like Driftwood successful, is the involvement and support of the children and parents. Driftwood is part of an extremely diverse community whose intent is to ensure that their children can have the best education possible. The hard work of teachers’ means nothing if children are not encouraged and supported by their families to put everything they can into their school experience.We will be sure to bring you more pictures and updates about the event in our next edition, so keep your eyes peeled for that!